mens hat styles 2021

5 Men’s Hat Style You Need to Know

Hats hold a strong footing in eternally stylish men’s accessories. Men’s hats are stylish, functional and look great with any outfit. From fedora to bowler hats, each one of them has their own unique style. A hat is suitable for any season be it rain, hail or scorching sun it will protect you from all of that while you look great. To top it all a hat can finish any casual or formal look with a simple yet elegant way. We have assembled some of the best hat styles for men that you need to take a look at.

1. Fedora

Fedora is one classic hat that never goes out of fashion. It has passed the test of time as it is still worn today and loved by everyone. Made popular by the gangsters in the 1920s and 1950s the hat is always in fashion. Fedora hats are firm brimmed hats that are a very fantastic choice for your wardrobe. Fedoras come in different colors and sizes but the perfect one would be with the neutral color and medium width. You can style fedora hats in different ways, such as, you can pull the brim down to cover your eyes which will give a mysterious look to you or you can simply pull up the brim to have a more open look. Look for more variants of Fedora at

2. Trilby

Trilby is a hat that most of the time gets confused with Fedora but they are totally different from each other. A trilby hat sometimes may be called a crumpled fedora because it is shortened angular fedora. Trilby hats can be worn from spring to autumn. You can wear a trilby hat pulled back instead of pulled forward to protect your face. A trilby hat is more of a fashion statement piece than a functional hat.

3. Panama Hat

The fun fact about Panama hats is that they came from Ecuador and they were brought to Panama to be sold to sailors in the 20th century and then the name was stuck with everyone.  Panama hats are generally shaped like a fedora or trilby but Panama hats are made from palm leaves and straws instead of felt. The Panama hats are ideal for hot tropical climates. The best part about these hats is that they can be crumpled but they retain their original shape. These hats are made for sun and blue skies so it’s better to not wear this hat in winters.

4. Bowler

A bowler hat is a hard felt hat which has a narrow brim, it is commonly known as the derby. This hat is worn by upper, middle and working class all the same. But it will be better if you do not wear this hat casually. Bowler hats look great with double-breasted suits, tailored pants, dress shoes. The hat was a popular hit in the 19th century. The hat was created by Thomas and William Bowler as the name suggests. The hat was recognized by the British style which is made prominent by the actors like Charlie Chaplin. The hat originated from the working class and is considered to be less formal than fedora or trilby.

5. Boater

When we talk about men’s headwear, a boater is one of the most essential hats in the summer. The boater hat was at its peak popularity in the 20th century. The hat is made of stiff straws with a grosgrain ribbon around its crown. They were often worn in the period dramas or by the barbershop quartets. A boater hat is perfect for you if you want to experiment a little with your style in summers. The boater hats have fun vibes and look chic. You can wear a boater hat instead of wearing a Panama hat or fedora hat.

Now that you know few of the best styles of the hat for men you will have no trouble buying one for yourself. Hats play a very important role in one’s wardrobe. Not only are they worn to protect oneself from cold or sun but also it gives you your own unique style of dressing up. When you wear a hat with your outfit the hat will make you look elegant and will help others notice that you have your own peculiar style of getting dressed up.

If you are inclined toward fashion and bothers about your look then you should probably pay more attention toward what type of hat you are pairing with your outfit according to the occasion. Some hats look awful with the formal outfit and some may look great with casual outfits so you have to be very particular about what style of hat you are opting for. For example, Fedora, trilby, bowler hats look amazingly good with formal attire but on the other hand, the boater will definitely rock with a casual outfit. And when we talk about Panama hat it pulls off with both casual and formal outfit.

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